The Week covers the Best of the British and Foreign Media. With its non partisan reporting, The Week gives the reader an insight into all the the news, people, arts, drama, property, books and how the international media has reported it. This concise guide allows the reader to be up to date and have a wealth of knowledge to allow them to discuss all these key topics with their friends and peers.
It wasn’t all bad
The French riots
Water industry in crisis
The Week
An unhappy birthday
Spirit of the age
Good week for:
Bad week for:
Senior Tories censured
Hottest June on record
Poll watch
Europe at a glance
The world at a glance
Castaway of the week • This week’s edition of Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs featured the actor, director and writer Stanley Tucci
Viewpoint: Centrist rage
The rise of ADHD • Diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have risen sharply in the UK. Why?
The fidgets and hyperkinetic reaction
Best articles: Britain
IT MUST BE TRUE… • I read it in the tabloids
Best of the American columnists
Affirmative action: the supreme court closes the door
Best articles: International
Enter the far-right: extremist winds blowing across Europe
What the scientists are saying…
Are orcas really attacking boats?
Lung cancer screening
Pick of the week’s Gossip
Rishi Sunak: a “flatlining” premiership
Cricket: rife with sexism and racism?
Rwanda: no place for asylum seekers?
Nigel Farage: “cancelled” by Coutts
Wit & Wisdom
Statistic of the week
Cricket: a Test match engulfed in controversy
Commentary box
Sporting headlines
Pick of the week’s correspondence
Assimilating asylum seekers
Review of reviews: Books
Theatre: As You Like It
Albums of the week: three new releases
Champion: entertaining BBC rap drama set in south London
Exhibition of the week Banksy: Cut and Run • Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow ( Until 28 August
Where to buy… • The Week reviews an exhibition in a private gallery
The Pompeii pizza
Best books… Patrick deWitt • The bestselling author of The Sisters Brothers and French Exit chooses his favourite books. His latest novel, The Librarianist, is out this week, published by Bloomsbury at £18.99
The Week’s guide to what’s worth seeing
The Archers: what happened last week
New to subscription TV
Properties off the beaten track
Food & Drink
Recipe of the week • This recipe is a great dish for summer, says Amelia Christie-Miller, founder of Bold Bean Co. You could serve it as a side at a barbecue, but it is tasty and hearty enough to hold its own as a lunch.
Refreshing summer reds
New cars: what the critics say
The best… food processors
Tips… how to negotiate house prices like a pro
And for those who have everything…
Where to find… summer events to book now
This week’s dream: a Buddhist pilgrimage route in Japan
Hotel of the week
Getting the flavour of…
Last-minute offers from top travel companies
Fearless journalist who reported from 70 countries
British actor with a taste for the idiosyncratic
Companies in the news • …and how they were assessed
Seven days in the Square Mile
Thames Water: a bucket of cold water for stakeholders
Issue of the week: holding the banks to account • Britain’s banks have been accused of “blatant profiteering”. Should they be...