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One of DK's super-sparkly, first baby books, this wild animal title has crystal-clear photos for babies to focus on, fun, read-aloud text, and extra-special twinkle on every page.
The six beautiful, double-page spreads help babies to recognize favorite animals. With lots to encourage playful interaction between parent and child, including sing-songy rhymes and fun animal actions, this entertaining book is a joy to share, and filled with high-quality, real-world baby learning.
WIP Contents
pp2-3: [wild animal = rabbit]
Be a little rabbit.
Jump! Jump! Jump!
pp4-5: [wild animal = elephant]
Be a big elephant.
Wave your long trunk.
pp6-7: [wild animal = penguin]
Be a happy penguin.
Waddle and flap.
pp8-9: [wild animal = crocodile]
Be a cross crocodile.
Snap! Snap! Snap!
pp10-11: [wild animal = tiger]
Be a noisy tiger.
Make a paw and roar!
pp12-13: [wild animal = bear]
Be a quiet, sleepy bear
and very softly snore.